Mot Klarhet!?

Kommer man närmre klarheten? Om tiden går?
Haha jag vet inte faktiskt, men det känns som att jag fått en hel del klarhet i mina känslor, och det är mycket möjligt att jag är smått redo för ngt speciellt i mitt liv. Det lär vi ju märka!
Jag vill så gärna bara lyckas med det, bara vara glad och fri från all sorg och smärta och gamla minnen, jag vill ha nya minnen, bättre tider!
För övrigt har jag bara jobbat en del, annars bara hemma typ!

We´re caught in a trap
I can´t walk out
Because I love u too much baby
Why can´t u see?
what you´re doing to me!

The truth of the matter is I have too many to choose from and I don´t know what to do about it, I´m just waiting to see if an answer will come to me from the sky maybe?
I just really know that I never wanna go back to Ayad, I WANNA SCREAM IN HIS FACE LIKE AIDEN TO CARRIE: YOU BROKE MY HEART! He can say he is sorry from now til forever but he can never take that I don´t need him calling me up on the phone for smalltalk.
But I allso know that I am ready to love again, maybe not the same burning love I had once, but a mature safe love, for someone who would never break my heart, someone who would wipe my tears instead of making me cry, someone who would hold me before I go to sleep, but I don´t know if there is such a person for me!
I hope so cause I´m tired of being lonely, it feels like times are wasting.
anyways I´m signing off now.



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